Saturday, October 1, 2011

Why I am Terrible at Blogging (especially blogging of the fashion variety)

There are a lot of reasons why I'm terrible at blogging, but the main one is that I am very, very flighty and absent minded. I forget to bring a camera with me when I go places, and on the rare occasions that I do bring a camera I forget to ask people to take pictures of my clothes. I even forget to take my own ugly, grainy webcam photos most of the time. I set out with the best intentions, and then I don't remember that I looked amazing and I should show the whole internet how great I look until I am at home and all undressed; even if I did remember to take pictures when I went home, they wouldn't look very good because since I am mysterious and goth, my house is very dark. I am working on growing up to be Morticia Addams. A few of the faculty members at one of the art centers I model at already call me Morticia. I'm obviously really cool.

Another reason why I am a terrible blogger is that I am extremely self-centered. Now I don't really think this is entirely a bad thing, I'm not an asshole about it and everyone ultimately just has to look out for themselves, but in my case it means that I get so wrapped up in how fabulous I look that I forget that I'm trying to be a SERIOUS BLOGGER WHO SHOWS PEOPLE THE FABULOUS CLOTHES SHE WEARS, OMG, instead of A FABULOUS LADY WHO JUST WALKS AROUND BEING FABULOUS AND INSPIRING ENVY AND HATRED IN THE SWEATPANTS-CLAD LADIES OF HER NEIGHBORHOOD, OMG.

So that's why I'm bad at blogging, and I hereby resolve to get better because I want to be internet famous. The second part is kind of a lie because since I am not a fabulous gay man, I am much too snarky to ever be truly internet famous, but I do care about you, my three dear followers, even though I'm only friends with one of you in real life.

Anyway this is a picture I actually remebered to take a few days ago when my hair looked really great all by itself, and otherwise I was in a very, very bad mood. The blouse is not vintage, but is from J. Peterman, a store that sells a lot of really, really pretty things at a lot of really, really high prices. They justify the prices by writing extremely silly, but nonetheless entertaining stories about all their merchandise.


  1. Hello, I am curious about your new post.

  2. Oooh, I come across an interesting blog (or, in this case, what might have developed into one) and then I see it's abandoned.


    Anyway: I love the look your sporting here and in your profile photo and I love love the attitude.
